And we decided…to QUELF! It was super long this time which was both good and bad. Good because everyone got a Roolz card and it made everything a bit more fun and challenging. Bad because things are only fun for so long and then they’re just a pain. I had to create a scuba mask out of materials around me so I copied Liz’s idea from last game night. Julie had to pretend to be a sad willow tree that hummed theme songs from movies anytime a 4 was rolled. Karen had to shout “Holy (insert word here), Batman!” every time a player piece was moved but not to repeat the same word EVER. Dave got a card where he had to say something every time he took a drink so he refrained from beverages for the rest of the evening. (Cheater!!) Heather performed some interesting tricks with her bra. And Liz…uh, I can’t remember what Liz had!! *smacks self in the head*

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