Sunday, September 9, 2007

Garage Sale Success Story

We had a garage sale!

It was a success!!

What? You were expecting more?!?

Well, Mom is moving to Korea the end of October so everyone has to get their stuff out of the house in order for us to get it ready for the renters. The general thought was, "What the hell are we going to do with all this shit?"

Our original plan was to donate it. But then we came to the conclusion that if people were willing to pay money to take our various pieces of junk off our hands then we would try out that option before hauling everything into the van, driving it across town, unloading it and wallowing in the general unhappiness caused by sweating.

It was such a rousing success that we decided to do it again next weekend! And the leftovers from that garage sale will be donated to charity, probably Good Will or something.

Feel free to come and peruse through our piles of discarded goodies to add to our worthy cause of padding our pockets and withholding from the needy!! (Or don't come, keep your house uncluttered and ensure that a minor portion of something gets wrested away from our greedy little fingers to help some person in need.)

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