Saturday, March 3, 2007

Are you SURE she’s not a nun?

Randomly, I decided I wanted to go see a play. So I called ACT Theatre and snagged the last two tickets for tonight’s show of Late Night Catechism. I had already seen it a couple years ago when Heather was going to school. I think she had to attend it as a part of a theatre class she was taking and invited the rest of us along. It was one of the best and one of the funniest improv shows I had ever seen. Since Matt and I had been talking about going to see a play and I figured this would be a good one to start. Besides, I like the cause it supports.

From what I understand, the show was originally created to raise funds to assist elderly nuns. Given that nuns are not paid for the years of service they provide, there is no social security benefit or retirement fund to support them when they get old. The show was only scheduled for that first year but, due to its popularity, it has been running for more than ten years!

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