Matt LOVES peaches. And so it came to be that we decided to can peaches. I was actually excited. After all this talk about canning and everything, it sounded like a fun thing to do. And I love anything that involves large groups of people. People make everything even more funner! (More stressful too but let's overlook that. *grins* Also, if you could bypass the fact that funner isn't a word, I would appreciate that too.)
Matt's mom, Lesley, bought a canner and said that we could use her kitchen, no less! YAY FOR LESLEY!! (And Tim! You can't leave out the husband. He lives there too.) My house is a horrendous mess right now between the remodel, the move and various other insanities. So it was seriously awesome that we had a kitchen other than mine to can in.
1) Blanch the peaches in boiling water for up to 30 seconds
2) Slip the skins of the peaches
3) Cut the peach in half, pit and scrape away fibers
4) Stuff as many into a hot jar without making a pulpy mess
5) Ladel in the syrup
6) Remove the air bubbles
7) Wipe the lid, screw on the top then set it in the canner to boil for 30 minutes
Woah! That's a lot of steps!!
Luckily, we had lunch first. *yum* And Matt's aunt, uncle and cousin showed up to eat with us. They're very nice people and Natalie is adopted from Korea which is super cool. Soon lunch was over and it was time to can.
We blanched and blanched those suckers and the skin would NOT come off. Finally, we gave up because we were practically cooking them to death. So we had to peel them with vegetable peelers which should have given us the first clue that they weren't ripe enough to can. But we were determined! They had a slight yet distinct green tinge to them (indicating non-ripeness) once the peels were off yet they were still passed off to the cutting board. Then the circus act began.
We sliced it in half and then tried to twist the halves off. Do you have any idea how hard it is to try and twist a peach in half when it's hanging on to its pit for dear life?!? Needless to say, there were a lot of peaches that popped up and out between fingers covered with peachy slime. They flew into the sink, onto the floor and everywhere. We were a mess! And yet, still determined. We managed to find the ripest peaches from all six boxes and were able to can one jar of peaches. ONE. *laughing hysterically*
1 comment:
Hysterical! We are considering canning peaches this season and I did a search to learn how. Your blog came up and I'm glad to come across it and read about your experience and pictures. Thanks! From Colorado
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