So we asked Hyun Ho to check the computer to make sure the amusement park was open today. He scoffed at us. (Yes! The nerve of him!!) And proceeded to tell us, OF COURSE it was open. Teenagers. *rolls eyes* Whatever. So we left. It took us over an hour to get there because it takes at least fifteen minutes just to get to the subway station and then it’s far anyway. Once we got there, we had to look for the store that Emo wanted us to go to because we weren’t planning on being out of the park before dark. By then, everything would be closed.
We got distracted along the way and I ended up buying three dresses. We looked at a lot of different stores. Finally we found the one that Emo wanted us to go to. After we stashed all of our purchases in a locker, we headed into the Lotte Department store for a bite to eat. It was an odd system where you pay for your food at the register and then they give you a ticket to pick it up at the proper kiosk. *squinting up at the menu* It made it hard for me to choose what I wanted to eat because I couldn’t see it in front of me.
We ate a lot. *patting my fat little belly* A quick stop at the restroom prior to leaving the food court was entertaining. Some girl was wearing a hideous silver jacket with a large conversation bubble on it. In it were the words, “Tom, so you envy my cheese?” *silence* What does that mean?!? Cheese as in money or cheese as in real cheese? And who is this Tom? As in Tom and Jerry?? In that case, the cheese comment might make sense. Korean people and their fashion sense. It’s very, very…odd.
By then it was nearing evening and we figured we should probably get to the park if we were going to have any fun before it was time to go home. *almost an hour later* We couldn’t find the entrance. And then we realized, we couldn’t find the entrance because the place was closed! DAMN YOU, HYUN HO!! *leaking angry tears* Oh, well. Whatever. At least I bought a few things. Had I wasted the whole day… So, we did the natural thing, ate ice cream and headed home.
On the way, Chi called me and asked if I wanted to meet up. I said I could make it to Shinchon by 730pm. He misheard me and had been waiting since 630pm. And then I was half an hour late! *embarrassed again* It was a good thing he had a book with him. Then we went to this…thing. Oh my god, it was hysterical. It was called a Cyworld Meeting. I didn’t know that a Meeting in Korea was rather like a large group date!! I had fun just meeting people though. The best being Steve. Steve was awesome. He said he would “like to make a friendly” with Chi and wouldn’t let go of his hand after shaking it. *laughing at Chi’s vaguely uncomfortable expression while furtively trying to get his hand back* After another ice cream break, it was time to go home.
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