The market was amazing. There were stalls upon stalls of shoes. And I mean nearly two warehouses full! And you would not believe the amount of ugly shoes there are. So I took pictures of them. It’s kind of funny the disparity between children’s shoes and adult shoes here. Kids’ shoes: SUPER CUTE! Adult shoes: ATROCIOUSLY HIDEOUS! There is no justice in this world. Since Sook Mo insisted, I did find at least two pairs of shoes to buy. It was a difficult task. I felt rather like a truffle snuffling pig. *snort*
The oddest sight in the entire market, in my opinion at least, was the men hauling around HUGE boxes. It was only when we were getting ready to leave the market that I realized what they were hauling around. SHOES! Duh… *smacks self in head* They have to get the shoes somehow. So they ship them in huge boxes and these poor men have to lug them around to the right stalls. *ouch for the backs!*
While waiting for Sook Mo to conclude her business, Jung Min entertained me by making faces. Puhahaha.
We ended up waiting a bit out by the street for Sam Chon to come pick us up. Jung Min pointed out this waterway that was in the middle of the street. It’s not at street level but further down like a man-made ravine. And it’s really pretty! There are sidewalks with trees lining the water’s edge where people take strolls. It’s completely at odds with the hustle and bustle of the market place. Korea is a country full of contradictions. Anyway, we dropped off the merchandise at the store and then Jung Min and I passed out after a brief breakfast.
When I awoke, there was no one in the apartment. I relaxed for a bit and finished off my book. (You know, the one I started yesterday.) Then I started getting bored. I thought I would head out to the shoe store only to realize I couldn’t. Because I didn’t have a key to lock up the apartment after me! I tried to call Sook Mo at the shoe store but the phone was on the fritz. After a moment or two of despair, I graciously settled into my confinement by polishing off the rest of the snacks from the previous evening and catching up on my Korean soaps. I even took pictures of the cityscape outside the windows. *pleased with myself*
Eventually, Sook Mo figured out my predicament and came over to let me out of the apartment. After hanging out for a moment or two, I left to go back to Emo’s. On the way, I got a phone call. HEY! I still had Hyun Ji’s cell phone. Wow, that really would have come in handy when I was stuck back in the apartment. *grr…* The call was to let me know that dinner was going to be at the Norangjin fish market again. So the plan was to meet everyone there. We stuffed ourselves silly, mostly with crab this time. And I went home with a full stomach, wishing for death once again.
OH! Before I forget...I caught the subway to go to the fish market. And while I was there, I stopped by the bathroom. Guess what I found? A condom machine! That's so weird!! I don't think of Korean people having sex. I mean, I know they need to procreate but I'm not used to 'Korea' and 'anything to do with sex' in the same thought. I found it funny how happy the condom looked. And what in the world is it holding? Lollipops?? Balloons??? Awww. Look! The naked people are happy too. Because they treasure their life and are helping to stop AIDS. (It's the slogan on the condom machine, people!)
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