Heather, Liz and I had been talking about going to see a movie.
We came to the conclusion that it would have to be a romantic comedy since we wanted to drag Mom along with us.
Besides, Liz always cries at scary movies and then Mom yells at us.
So of the movies out, the obvious choice was Music and Lyrics.
I was kind of bummed because I really, really dislike Hugh Grant.
At least Drew Barrymore was in the movie to act as a counterbalance.

Because Liz didn’t get out of school until 3pm and Heather worked until 5pm, we picked the 7pm showing at Factoria.
Unpredictably, Liz decided at 430pm that she wanted to go up to the CompUSA in Lynnwood to buy a laptop.
She had a specific one in mind and none of the other stores in the area were currently carrying it.
And to top it off, we had to go RIGHT NOW because it was the last one the Lynnwood store had.
So Liz got to practice driving in rush hour up to buy her laptop and I practiced not screaming hysterically while holding on for dear life.
We made it to the store in one piece and Liz was able to make her purchase. Then we realized that we had made plans to go eat with Heather and Mom before the movie. There was no way we were going to get back in time. In fact, we weren’t even sure if we could make it to the movie in time! Liz handed over the keys and we hauled ass back to Bellevue. We pulled into the parking space beside Heather’s car about 5 minutes before the movie was scheduled to start. Both cars rolled down their windows and Whoppers were exchanged. (Heather and Mom went to BK for us because we were STARVING!!) *gobble, munch, snuffle* In record time, we were seated in the theatre…just in time for the movie to start.
It was actually a really cute movie. I liked it a lot. Hugh Grant has marginally redeemed himself in my eyes. Although, the mullet is not really his best do. *laughs*
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