I managed to snooze for a couple of hours before my alarm harshly bought me back into the realm of consciousness. *groans* Amazingly enough, I actually exercised a bit this morning before hopping in the shower. Then it was time to go. I was so excited until we got to Starbuck’s and they said they had no internet!! *sobs hysterically* BUT there was a café down the way that did. *jumps for joy* By a little past 9am, I was all set up to go at the Iguana Café.
Oh, yeah. Before I forget, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SONJIA!! Yesterday I had been joking around that I was going to get Sonjia a stripper for her birthday. Emo perked right up! *laughs* Later on she told Uncle Hershel and he said she wasn’t allowed to use dollar bills, only quarters. Ah yes…gravity, heavy quarters and a thong. Now that is the ultimate trifecta. JUST KIDDING! I didn’t really end up getting her a stripper. Although it might have been worth it just to see the look on Emo’s face when she opened the door.
Meanwhile, back at the Iguana Café… I was becoming a permanent entry on their blacklist. I did try to order something every hour. But I was getting so full that I couldn’t eat it all. And then they were upset because they thought I didn’t like their food! I called Brandon who said he would come pick me up soon but it seems he has a short term memory problem. *cough toomuchpot cough* Eventually I moved outside to the park because the wireless internet was still available as long as I stayed somewhat close. Besides, I thought my waiter was going to have an apoplectic fit if I was in there for another minute. Granted, it was well past 3pm by then. (Boy, did my butt hurt from sitting all day!)
Finally Brandon rode in to the rescue. He even brought a little sidekick because all heroes need a sidekick. This one was dubbed Heath. Heath should have been a woman. I only say that because he had eyelashes to die for. They could poke your eyes out from across the room! I was jealous. *shooting him with lightening from underneath my stubby eyelashes* Then we picked up Jaxon from daycare. He didn’t cry when he saw me this time. (I must be losing my touch…) He even seemed to *gasp* LIKE ME! What is this world coming to?
Apparently, Ashley didn’t get the bulletin that the ‘hate Jenny’ ban was lifted. She cried. And I don’t mean she whined for a little bit. She CRIED. Launched herself up over the couch onto Sonjia’s lap, buried her head and shed copious amounts of tears. Ah, yes. My newest hobby is scaring children. And it seems I’m very good at it. Emo ended up taking Ashley for a bit so Sonjia and I could go out for a birthday dinner. I ate WAY too much. Ugh.
When we got back, I thought I was going to pass out in shock. Ashley actually gave me a hug. WEIRDNESS!! I guess after we left she was talking about me. I believe the conversation went something like this.
Ashley: That’s my Jenny, my Elmo.
Lori: You mean your Emo?
Ashley: Yes, my Nemo.
Um, ok. I think that makes me a…Nelmo??? Great! I am a red, furry clownfish. I guess it could have been worse. *laughs*